Our academy for life and work

Our programmes are designed to help you understand your role in contemporary society. See it as a 21st century businessschool for anyone willing to view society from a new angle. Learn more about our offerings below.

The New University of Life and Work Logo
Member of Parliament Jesse Klaver speaking at De Nieuwe Poort Rotterdam

The table is an important concept for The New Port. An essential place where we come together after a long day of work or study. It’s where relationships are forged and intensified.

Feike Sijbesma-TableOfXII-

“As a leader you need to make your organization future-proof. This requires an intrinsic curiosity and an explorative and more holistic approach. Only the ones that adapt (Darwin) will be successful. This is where the New University is all about.”

Feike Sijbesma, Former Ceo dsm

The Table of VII

The Table of XII

Tafel van VII De Nieuwe Poort Amsterdam Rotterdam
Table of VII at Le Nouveau Port Normandie and El Nuevo Puerto Valencia

Using exercises in literature, philosophy, poetry, bible stories and the personal life stories of the participants, The Table of VII will look help you find your personal and social anchors. The Table of VII is a tailor-made program for the professional in Valencia or Normandy.

Tafel van XII De Nieuwe Poort Amsterdam Rotterdam
Table of XII at De Nieuwe Poort Amsterdam & Rotterdam

During the Table of XII, renowned teachers and experts will help you, supported by classic sources, in understanding the new times and your possible role in them. The Table of XII meets twelve times per year and there is an opportunity to enroll twice a year, in September and in March.

Sign up for one of The Tables

The New University meets at several different inspiring locations in port cities throughout Europe. We hope to welcome you soon at one of our tables in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Valencia or Normandy.